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On this page we will list all of the products we offer as part of our main product line. Please check in often because we will frequently update the product pages with new items.

No one wants to be overweight. Neither do they want to fall apart with nerve problems or bone deterioration, or cracking of the skin from taking shots to get rid of unwanted pounds.
Just examine your body in a mirror. If you don't like the excess flesh you see around your abdomen, thighs, arms or double chin, then you are too fat. Some of the dangers of being overweight would be:
Colon Disorders 
Hardening of Arteries
Heart Disease 
High Blood Pressure  
Nervous Disorders  
Now something can be done. PAR-K SLIM PACK was designed to trim away unwanted pounds while restoring nutrition to your body. The herbs in PAR-K SLIM PACK were put together in perfect balance to cause the body to be in perfect harmony.


The herbs in Freed-Om formula have been used for many blood viruses. We have listed below two common ones from which Freed-Om has brought relief:
Herpes Simplex - A serious virus disorder, characterized by blisters or sores which appear in clusters of small painful swellings about the lips.
Herpes Zoster - Also known as shingles. A fairly common virus disease found most frequently in adults. This condition is characterized by the appearance of clusters of large painful blisters running in a band-like pattern on patches of reddened skin.


RH and SH
(Revitalized Health and Stay Healthy)
Frustration has to be the world's oldest problem. Frustration come from a slow down of body energy, which cuts off some of the body's oxygen to it's parts. This will cause one to be uptight, disgusted, upset, irritable, hungry, lazy, and all those negative things you can think of, because the body is not functioning the way nature intended. These herbs have been used to supply energy and to relieve or eliminate such conditions as:
Age Spots           
Endurance Problems     
Drug Withdrawal  
Gland Problems             
Pituitary Gland Problems
Fingernail Problems       
Prostate Trouble

$17.94 each


New Body Herbs - Independent Distributor #5699 - 3870 La Sierra Ave. Suite 246, Riverside, CA 92505

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